For users and Search Engines, Content is King!
Think about it, the Internet is primarily a source of information and website graphics are glorified clothes for that information. Ok, thats a bit harsh, but search engines like Google do appreciate good, well-written content. After all, search engine robots can’t really see images or flash, unless you add alt text. Robots scan through a website’s code to find meaningful information that may benefit the web surfer.
The fresh content strategy is a proven strategy to improve your placing in search engine rankings. The more valuable content and information a website has, the more leverage or equity it has to attract visitors. It seems obvious but we tend to forget it, better books attract better readership. This applies to websites too!
In recent times, the onus has shifted from a content focus to a graphic design focus. This is understandable given the rise of 3D graphics and flash animation. The quality of website content has suffered somewhat however. Don’t get me wrong, I am all for the power of visual communication, but a good website must have all the key elements. Killer content, killer content, and good graphics and functionality. And the more articles and blog posts the better! Any website without a news feed or blog is really missing something.
So the moral of the story? Write an article, write a hundred. Document your thoughts and work process. We are all experts at something! We tend to forget that our information and knowledge may be interesting to others. Have a passion for something? Come on we all do. Start writing about it today. Your compelling articles and choice of words will bring joy to others and give your website equity. Keep churning out that killer content!
How a blog or news feed can help to improve your website ranking
A blog, news feed or articles can help to improve your website ranking. This is common sense really. Fresh content on your website gives it more equity to attract users /readers. Furthermore, it allows visitors to add content and make comments on your website which is excellent feedback. This feedback can help to guide your website development and see how your website is received by web surfers. After all, it is your users that you are targeting and communicating with.
Try as a rule of thumb to generate compelling content, articles and posts. These help to get people talking and offer extra incentive for visitors to return to your website. I truly believe in the power of fresh content and so does Google. I know of a website that managed to get its page rank up to 7/10 using this strategy and it was only launched in January 2010. Good content and compelling articles are powerful.